Thursday, August 12, 2010

Support Your Pastors

I'm getting ready to deliver my first sermon here in the 21st Century (at Our Savior Lutheran in Gladwin, MI - in fact you could say the whole time-travel, Dr Luke thing was born there).

I'm not really too nervous - I've talked (and written) about the good news of Jesus many times before and in many different places. But I'm always aware of the importance of the words a Pastor shares, as God's people gather in various places all around the world to hear again the power of forgiveness and new life in Christ. And then, the rest of the week is important as the Pastors help God's people in all those places to be witnesses themselves in their work, and family, and neighborhood.

Pastors have very important work - in whatever century they live! Wheat Ridge is committed to supporting Pastors (by helping congregations to support their pastors) through a variety of resources such as Living Well days and a sabbatical grant program.

Hug your Pastor this week! - or at least shake their hand and say thanks!

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