Sunday, August 22, 2010

Homeless people in "unlikely" places

I spent the morning at Cross Lutheran Church in Yorkville, IL. Great congregation and school; lots of great staff and volunteer leaders; and they are taking seriously the call to be God's hands and feet in the world:

P.A.D.S. is about providing shelter for those who need it. You'd never guess driving through Yorkville that there are more than 100 children registered as homeless. It happens everywhere. And the people of Cross are doing what they can to help. They are part of a group of churches who will provide shelter and a meal on a rotating basis. They are taking James seriously.

There are many others too. Wheat Ridge has a project in Seattle that focus on the hungry poor. Much to learn - back in the 1st Century and today in the 21st Century - about how to be helpful and how to work to reduce poverty and homelessness.

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