Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sun, Moon and Stars - and gardens

I spent the last few days on the east coast of Lake Michigan. Full moon at night, rising up over the lake and then the sun dutifully followed next morning in the exact same flight path. Spectacular. And saw a very little bit of a regular (yearly, in July and August) meteorite shower earlier in the month that I have also seen back in the 1st Century. Connected through time. Part of a big picture that works so well together.

And I also saw the work of a master gardener, planning over 50 acres of trees, and grass and flowers and vegetables and ponds and more. God, The Master Gardener, must enjoy looking at his work too. I know I love looking at it. Praise the Lord!

Wheat Ridge has a great project called Giving Gardens. Check it out. A great way to help share health and wellness in a tangible way.

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