Monday, April 29, 2013

Nutritional Choices... How to decide?

I still can't get over how much choice you have here in the 21st Century in your food stores (although, to be accurate, the variety of choices is not world wide... the 'western' world has many choices; some of the people in the world do not have any. That is the subject for perhaps another post).

It is mind boggling to think about having to decide between all the choices.  What criteria should you use?  What criteria do you use?  Taste, price, ease of preparation, how healthy is it?

Here is an interesting concept.  I wonder why this was not invented sooner.  NuVal - a simple number, decided with algorithms (Google searches work pretty well using those, don't they?) that can tell you, basically without bias, which food item from the same food category is the most healthy - the higher the number, the more healthy it is.  You can even compare across food types... the higher the number, the better it is for you.

Check out your local grocer to see if they have it. If not, ask them to get involved...  Much of what makes us healthy - or not - is decided when things get put into the shopping cart.

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