Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter over time...

I was blessed this past Easter season to worship in a variety of places.  Palm Sunday was at Luther Memorial in Chicago with a palm procession that began in the cold Spring air outside the church.  Maundy Thursday and Good Friday were at Our Savior Lutheran in Gladwin, MI and Easter Sunrise was at Christ the King Lutheran in Gladwin, MI.

It was wonderful to join Christians in various parts of the country - and to think of those Christians through time, even way back to the very early Christians who witnessed all those events first hand.

Christ makes us new through his death and resurrection.  Good news - today and two thousand years ago too.  These times here in the 21st Century are so different than I'm used to back in the 1st Century.  But one thing remains the same - the love of God in Christ for repentant sinners.  That love makes us bold in our service to the King.  And that service to the King ends up touching the people around us, any in need.

Another blessing is seeing all the various ways people serve.  Luther Memorial in Chicago is getting involved in their local neighborhood helping feed the hungry people there.  That sounds like the kind of new ministry Wheat Ridge Ministries supports with grants in a wide variety of places around the country.

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