Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Congregations in Crisis?

I read and hear a lot these days about congregations in crisis.  Attendance is declining, influence is declining, and budgets are stretched beyond the limit.  I see signs of that as I travel.  I just read an interesting article on Resilient Congregations from Alban Institute (looks like a good resource).  They spoke of congregations adjusting to the reality around them. 

As I travel I see many congregations and where I see signs of life two things are happening: the good news of Jesus is proclaimed boldly and the people have rolled up their collective sleeves and they are facing out towards their community in a service mode. That sounds a lot like the church I left behind in the 1st Century.  The early church spoke boldly about Jesus and they served the needs of the people around them.  That's what the Apostle Paul did.  It is what the church does as the 'body of Christ'.

Not much new here today compared to what I left behind 2000+ years ago: 
1. Many competing voices for who is a savior; we know there is only one Lord - Jesus Christ.  And
2. Many people with compelling human need.  No church has to look too far to find that.  The joy of working with Wheat Ridge is that they help congregations hit that bulls eye.  Check out a very brief Mini Tour of Wheat Ridge. It includes a couple short videos that show lives changed in the name of Jesus.

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