Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mapping the Brain in the next ten years...

As 21st Century scientists did with the human genome, the plan is for a ten year project to map the human brain.  Exciting stuff... can't believe how much human knowledge has grown since the 1st Century - and much of that has really happened in the last 100 years!

Ten years to map the brain.  What about Pastors taking a year of their Circuit Conferences and Educators taking a significant portion of their in-service time for a year and focus on some of the best books out there on current knowledge of the brain. This emphasis on brain research will present an even bigger seismic shift in our ability to understand the brain and how it works, and how that applies to the way we do things... some practices will be reinforced, others will need to change.

And, as with the new genetic information, the scientific world needs to hear the theological voice on ethical issues as well.

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