Monday, May 6, 2013

International Connections...

I spent the morning yesterday with the good people at Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit in San Francisco.  Well named - certainly Christ's Spirit is at work in the people of that place.  I was priviledged to deliver the message that day. First worship service was to a very young crowd of English speakers (more than 80 of them would be leaders for the coming Summer Day Camp program at the church).  Second service was to a packed house and the worship was completely in  Cantonese.  I needed an interpreter (both directions) but it was a great experience.

This Church had received a Burst Project grant from Wheat Ridge for a Special Needs ministry.  I spoke on a theme of "God Muliplies" and walked them through my sermon outline online (they followed on their smartphones and video screens) and then we did a quick mini tour of Wheat Ridge Ministries as well.

This church isn't the only international Wheat Ridge project connection.  They also have a project in Hong Kong as well, and have had many others over the years.

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