Monday, May 20, 2013

Community Garden project...

The good people of Prince of Peace Lutheran in Portland, OR are on the first year of their community garden project.  Parish Nurse, Karina Wehrspann, initiated the idea and applied for and received a Congregational Health Ministry grant from Wheat Ridge to help make it happen.  They have 22 single layer 4X8 garden plots and 3 handicapped (raised) 4X8 plots available for use by the community.  It was a welcomed addition to the neighborhood for the folks living right across the fence in a condo unit - with no room for growing anything.
Goals for the project:
- outreach project so the church property would be a place for the community to gather;
- a place to grow produce / healthy food;
- 10% of produce of each plot (plus all the produce from unclaimed plots) goes to Care to Share Food Boxes program for Washington County.

Garden plots are well on their way.  15 plots are claimed by individuals (half from the congregation and half from the community) and the other plots will be planted by volunteers so all of that produce can be shared with the community.

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