Friday, March 8, 2013

Who you gona call? How about Dr David Katz?

One of the challenges these days is hearing too many voices.  If you are trying to work on your own personal health and perhaps help those around you that you love, there are decisions to be made about what to do, and how to do it.

And there are way too many voices competing for your and my attention - in general - and also concerning health and wellness.

I'd suggest one person to pay attention to.  I have others I'll post about at other times.

Dr David Katz is a helpful voice.  You may not like some of his politics, but doesn't affect his stable and reasoned voice regarding health. And the thing I like is that he is a strong voice for prevention (he is the director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center and more) - and for lifestyle health. 

One very interesting thing he has helped develop and champion is NuVal - a simple way to know which foods are really healthier when you are in the aisles at the local grocery story.

He also has a great resource for schools to help with exercise and movement in the classroom called ABC for Fitness.

Check him out...

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