Saturday, March 9, 2013

Read the comments...

OK, I'm new to this 21st Century way of doing things - especially when it comes to the electronic world - so forgive me if I state the obvious for everyone else:
Here is an example... Health and human care issues are my primary concern as I travel for Wheat Ridge Ministies, and in that arena I'm focused on applying current brain research to church, school and home.  But as I read in that arena (and Twitter has become an invaluable research tool) I've been interested in what gets said about education.  Hacking  at Education was a particularly interesting post, with so much more information available in the comments... good discussion, additional links, etc. 

Sometimes the comments can be a little hard to take with a wide variety of "it takes one to know one" silliness, and worse, that doesn't really help anyone.  But, generally, for thoughtful posts there are lots of thoughtful and helpful comments.  Now to just find the time to read it all!

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