Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Suck it up, Dr Luke!

OK, it's time to get back on board this social media whirlwind.  I've struggled a bit, sometimes quite a bit, trying to stay on top of this but I'm convinced it is one of the best ways to stay connected with lots of people. And I am pretty sure if the Apostle Paul were here with me, he'd have a blog along with a Twitter and Facebook accounts and be up to his eyeballs in interaction.  As he said in 1 Corinthians 9:22 "... I have become all things to all people so that, by all possible means, I might save some..."

I'll have some things to say about my life here in the 21st Century.  I'll share resources I come across that I think might be helpful.  The focus will generally be about health and human care, about giving God our best - heart, soul, mind and strength.... stewardship of our whole selves.

OK, Doc... Wheat Ridge has chosen not to send you back to the 1st Century yet... take a deep breath and dive back in!

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