Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Looking Up...

Considering the way things work on the internet most of you have likely seen this already (I don't think that's what the Preacher has in mind when he wrote about nothing new under the sun...).

The "scale of the universe" web page is quite amazing. Things get pretty small (who knew what a yoctometer was?) and pretty large... and that is just what we know so far. The Hubble site gives some spectacular pictures of what's 'out there'. Put all of that together with my last post on brain pics and you have some glimpses of a wonderful creation. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we are fearfully and wonderfully made! And in the midst of that big creation, God chose to come to earth as one of us (I'm partial to this version of the story). That's love for the little ones!

And Wheat Ridge is motivated by that love to help congregations love the little ones around them - even if they are not so young. Check out a great project in St Louis at Christ Memorial Lutheran Church.

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