Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Looking Inside the Brain

Check out some unbelievable pictures of the brain. So much more knowledge about the human body here in the 21st Century than my 1st Century counterparts... and growing all the time.

With a finite body and some amazing technology will you some day hit the end of the road and know all there is to know about our bodies? There are already many things written about the conscious self and the soul. Or is there something special about us that will defy our human abilities to understand or comprehend or dissect?

I hope the leaders in the church are keeping up with the new knowledge of our bodies, especially about the brain - pretty important stuff, with lots of implications for use for good and even not so good. Christ's followers need to be part of those conversations.

Wheat Ridge is interested. And they are also excited about partnering with congregations who are interested in focusing on heath and wellness - whole person health, body and soul, at all ages and stages of life. Like this project in Murphys CA, a Senior Center.

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