Monday, December 13, 2010

More on Play

I came across two interesting articles on play, specifically talking about children (although I must say, I'm very interested in learning more about play and the adult brain... judging from my observations over the past months, many adults need help with play).

Article one focuses on how "old fashioned" play helps develop self-regulation and the executive function part of the brain. By "old fashioned" it appears they mean play that is self directed rather than other or electronic media directed.

Article two asks "how much media exposure is too much?" (First I like that way of framing the question. It doesn't assume it is all good or all bad... it takes an intentional approach.) I include this under play because, from my observation, this is what many kids are doing with their "play" time.

Play is important for healthy kids. Sometimes to make it happen well you need to help the parents. That is what Wheat Ridge does with Peace Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls, SD in a project called Parentnet.

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