Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Heart of the Matter

I love learning about all the technology you have here in the 21st Century but, as a physician, I'm most intrigued by the human body - and all the things you know about it and can do to repair it!

I spent the day with a friend whose wife was in for the day so they could look at her heart - literally! They called it cardiac catheterization. They went inside her heart, took pictures of the flow of blood in the heart's arteries, examined the muscle itself, come out and sent her home - later the same day! In this case they found clear arteries but my friends are left puzzling about the reasons for a very weak heart.

The heart pumps 100,000 times each day, moving 2000 gallons of blood each day, through a series of blood vessels 60,000 miles long. That makes 2.5 billion beats over a 70 year life span. God did some good work! We are fearfully and wonderfully made!

And with so much that can go wrong, it is great to see Wheat Ridge supporting some excellent health and wellness projects like this one among the Navajo people of AZ.

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