Thursday, July 15, 2010


I spent some time this past Monday with two sisters who are 'forMemory' (one of Wheat Ridge Ministries many projects). Chris and Mary Kay both have early onset Alzheimer's disease and have a mission to help those in similar circumstances. It was a wonderful visit. They were both engaging, entertaining and capable. What a blessing from God! And one they are anxious to share.

Chris had her first symptoms at age 41 (in 1989 before early-onset was acknowledged). By 1998 she was in marked decline and couldn't function well due to memory loss. Her and her sister's stories are remarkable. This last Monday she was nothing like the woman she described back in 1998.

Lots of help is available on the web site including a way to get a booklet and longer book about their experiences. You'll also find some very helpful questions to ask and many resources...

They will be a blessing to many people who are experiencing memory loss. Thanks to 'forMemory' and to Wheat Ridge Ministries.

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