Sunday, July 11, 2010

So Much To Learn...

I came across a young, well educated man who seems to be very interested in the brain. As a 1st Century physician it is clear that I have much to learn from 21st Century medicine, but it would appear there is something you can learn from us.

Jonah Lehrer shares about some research (I'm still totally amazed at how much you know about the workings of the body) that gives some very early evidence of how a chemical that the body itself produces (BDNF - I've read some amazing things about that in another context... more on that later) MAY be a factor in reducing cancer.

The thing that I find most interesting in Jonah's blog is what he calls the "startling demonstration of the brain-body loop". Now, we 1st Century medical practitioners certainly don't know as much as your 21st Century doctors do about the workings of the body, but Christian tradition certainly has a rich history of seeing the body and mind as a whole... no 'surprises' for us in that regard.

I'd encourage you to check out the Johan Lehrer blog, and this one on BDNF and Cancer in particular. Can't wait to see what further study shows in this area since Cancer is clearly a major disease to contend with these days.

I'm going to visit some friends of Wheat Ridge tomorrow who focus particularly on Alzheimer's Disease. More on that in another post.

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