Monday, September 27, 2010

Purposeless Purpose

Who would have thought play was so important? Turns out play - purposeless time, time spent without goals, just having fun, especially when it is with others - is incredibly important for the brain to develop properly and to remain healthy and functioning well and creatively. It must be important - there is even a National Institute For Play!

That's what I'm talking about! Lets go play!

Any creative ideas out there for church/community health that involves play? Wheat Ridge could be a source of help.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

In Life and In Death

Connie Ore was a witness to her faith in Jesus in life, and she will be in death as well. I have posted about Connie before. She died September 16, 2010 and the celebration of her life will be this coming week, Tuesday September 28, 2010 at St John Lutheran Church in Seward, NE. Judging by her blog, the remembrance on the 28th will be a great celebration, and a great witness to Jesus.

Check out Connie's blog for a wonderful witness to living a full life, and a faithful life, even in hard times (I hope they keep the blog up for a while). And check out this other post for some additional articles and resources on faithful living and preparation for dying.

Through the ages there have been faithful followers who point to Jesus in their life and in their death as well.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Preaching the Word

I had the opportunity this past weekend to preach the Word at Mt Olive Lutheran Church in Rockford, IL. They had a "Neighborly Good Time" Fall Festival for the community all day Saturday with worship Saturday night and Sunday morning.

They are a church that is serious about 'loving people to Jesus' and they worked hard to put on a great day for their neighbors. They have a great staff and many dedicated members. Thanks for the chance to preach! And for your hard work as God's hands and feet in Rockford.

I was used to Paul doing the preaching when I was traveling with him back in the 1st Century, and I did back up and support. It was an enjoyable challenge to be the preacher. Props to those who prepare for that every week!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Stratified living...

I spent some time with a friend this week. This middle aged couple (in the 1st Century they would have been "old") had their son and daughter in law visiting for a couple days. Had supper with three generations around the supper table. In my limited experience here so far, that doesn't happen very often in the 21st Century. It is true especially for kids... small families to start with; all day with exactly the same age in their school - some large schools I've seen are all one grade - then before and after school care; many families living far from grandparents or aunts and uncles. One generation talking to the second generation above or below it seems quite rare.

Not so rare here: Wheat Ridge has supported a project in New York called Thursdays at THE LIFE that gathers people of all ages once per week. Good food and good conversation - community! Then worship. Churches seem like a natural place to make it happen with regularity. Multiple generations are already in the same space in worship... just have to find a way to help them talk to each other a bit more often. Good for all generations.

YouTube - Yikes!

YouTube blows my mind! This is just fun to watch.

I can see why the 21st Century has so much trouble with distractions... hmmmm, let's see what else is out there...

Monday, September 13, 2010

"We're Number Two!"

That's right. Number two on Wikipedia's list of "famous people named Luke". I blogged on Luke Skywalker already. I sure thought he'd be higher on the list. ("Empty your mind Luke... mooooove yourself up the list.") I'd rather that people filled their minds with the Word of God.

And to be honest I'm not sure if the list is ranked or random. The Word of God I wrote in the Gospel bearing my name talks about first and last, greatest and least. And Wheat Ridge has supported many projects focused on caring for the least.

We're number two!

Friday, September 10, 2010

No More Parts to Replace...

I'm drawn again to a blog I posted about before. Connie Ore gives witness to her faith as she battles a deadly disease. We all die - 1st Century people as well as 21st Century people, no matter how skilled the Doctor. Connie knows it will come soon and shares here journey of faith with us through the ups and downs. Thank you Connie, for the strength to share.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Replaceable Parts

I talked with a woman today in Findlay, OH who had recently had her shoulder replaced... the whole shoulder. These days your doctors are replacing shoulders, hips, knees, hearts, along with various and sundry smaller bits and pieces. Amazing! A very long way from the 1st Century health care I provided!

But one thing is the same now as it was back in the 1st Century - the need for caring for the poor and those who need extra help. Wheat Ridge has a project in Holland, MI called Healthy Body, Peace of Mind Wellness Program doing just that. Are there folks close to you who need some help?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Care for Clergy

I posted about this a while back, but found some important info and I thought is was worth revisiting "care for clergy".

The stats are quite serious: pastors suffer from obesity, hypertension and depression at higher rates than most Americans. It is hard to give help when you have such a need for help yourself. Pastoral work is rewarding and invigorating - and also demanding and challenging; in the 1st Century as well as in the 21st Century.

But there are people who are watching, and providing support. I've been impressed with what I've learned about the Alban Institute when it comes to resources for ministering in the parish. They recently posted an article on Clergy Burnout that does more than list the problems. It also gives resources for help.

Here are some others: Wheat Ridge offer excellent resources for ministry sabbaticals, including grants. And they provide some of the best resources for planning available so the experience of a sabbatical is the most beneficial - for the Pastor and for the congregation.

A number of years back Wheat Ridge supported a project called Grace Place Retreats, an excellent resource for pastors and their spouses to find renewal. (More info about them from their director, John Eckrich, in the responses to the Clergy Burnout article.)