Friday, September 17, 2010

Stratified living...

I spent some time with a friend this week. This middle aged couple (in the 1st Century they would have been "old") had their son and daughter in law visiting for a couple days. Had supper with three generations around the supper table. In my limited experience here so far, that doesn't happen very often in the 21st Century. It is true especially for kids... small families to start with; all day with exactly the same age in their school - some large schools I've seen are all one grade - then before and after school care; many families living far from grandparents or aunts and uncles. One generation talking to the second generation above or below it seems quite rare.

Not so rare here: Wheat Ridge has supported a project in New York called Thursdays at THE LIFE that gathers people of all ages once per week. Good food and good conversation - community! Then worship. Churches seem like a natural place to make it happen with regularity. Multiple generations are already in the same space in worship... just have to find a way to help them talk to each other a bit more often. Good for all generations.

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