Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Catching my breath...

Lots of posts today - after a long period of not many. I'm adjusting. In fact, truth be told, I'm overwhelmed with what I'm experiencing here in the 21st Century. I'm having trouble keeping up.

Your pace is FAST. Information is "ON" all the time. And you hear about EVERYTHING. You have to be like those guys in the commercial who live under a rock to NOT hear about all the stuff that is happening all over the world: revolutions, earthquakes, tsunamis, budget troubles, frustrated governments, frustrated people... I find it hard to get past the first three without my head exploding. You must have developed some very strong filters to keep it all out.

Trouble comes when those filters are so good they keep us from caring... and from doing something about it. About what? Anything. Lots of options. Getting involved is how we were made to be (blessed to be a blessing!). It is when life is most meaningful. Look around and find a place to get involved and roll up your sleeves.

I love Wheat Ridge Ministries because they love to help people/congregations make a difference, focused on new health and wellness ministries. One of many examples of people making a difference with the help of Wheat Ridge is Phil's Friends.

Let's Play!

In addition to exercise going to the dogs, play is getting the big squeeze too. Less and less of it in the lives of you 21st Century people, for something so important to children - and adults.

Talking about play, and giving lots of good reasons to do it, might be a bit like standing in front of a mirror trying to catch a full profile view of yourself. You can never see the side of your head - you'll always 'catch yourself looking'. That is the challenge with play. If we come to the conclusion that it is so important we have to do it, the play itself might become more like work - we are not really 'playing' because we are focused on 'getting the benefits' that play provides.

Play is the most beneficial when it is without agenda. And that kind of free-form play is actually the 'job' of young children. And Parents are the best play partners, with a little help. Play does wonderful things to the developing mind. Check out a couple previous posts on "Play". When was the last time you felt the way those two kids above look? It has been a while for me. Must be time to 'go out and play'.

Gone to the Dogs!

I don't think this is the intended user. The first dog shows the typical response many folks here in the 21st Century have about exercise from what I can tell. Too bad! So much helpful info you have here in the 21st Century that connects exercise to so many good things for our body and brain.

I've seen some recent examples of lives dramatically changed for the good through simple exercise. One example is from a recent visit to Christ Memorial Lutheran Church in St Louis. They are a current recipient of a grant from Wheat Ridge and it went towards their R.E.H.A.B ministry to their members and the community. Fitness Nurse Lisa Cunningham greets everyone with a warm smile and expert help with an appropriate rehab program - for free!

Check out a short YouTube video about lives changed through exercise - and then the people are connected to a church that has a chance to tell them the real life changing good news of Jesus.

Salem Lutheran School, Farrar, MO

Big things from a small Lutheran School in Farrar, MO. Ethan and Joel Koenig present a check from the students and staff of Salem Lutheran School for $500, with a goal of $700 for the year. This supports the Giving Gardens, Hearts for Jesus chapel project from Wheat Ridge. Thanks Salem Lutheran School!

It was fun doing chapel with you all. Remember: God Multiplies! I hope you have had some fun with riddles - and sharing the good news of Jesus!