Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gone to the Dogs!

I don't think this is the intended user. The first dog shows the typical response many folks here in the 21st Century have about exercise from what I can tell. Too bad! So much helpful info you have here in the 21st Century that connects exercise to so many good things for our body and brain.

I've seen some recent examples of lives dramatically changed for the good through simple exercise. One example is from a recent visit to Christ Memorial Lutheran Church in St Louis. They are a current recipient of a grant from Wheat Ridge and it went towards their R.E.H.A.B ministry to their members and the community. Fitness Nurse Lisa Cunningham greets everyone with a warm smile and expert help with an appropriate rehab program - for free!

Check out a short YouTube video about lives changed through exercise - and then the people are connected to a church that has a chance to tell them the real life changing good news of Jesus.

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