Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wall Dogs and Community Pride

Back in the 1st Century I traveled all over the Mediterranean world with Paul, visiting many cities and preaching about Jesus. You could always tell where they had pride in their communities and where they did not. Still true today. I've spent some time with some friends from Plymouth, WI. They go to St John Lutheran Church and School - a Spirit filled place with a cool retreat center opportunity.

And the community obviously has pride in their town... the Cheese Capital of the world. It was home to the Cheese Exchange (you've heard of the Stock Exchange) and much more. This June they will host the Wall Dogs who will add 20+ murals to the sides of some of their buildings. The murals will depict much of the local history. Great idea. It took people with an idea and some energy who asked for help from inside and outside their community. Much can get done that way.

Wheat Ridge Ministries loves that kind of thinking: "What needs to be done around here that isn't being done yet?". When it is in the area of Health and Wellness, Wheat Ridge will partner with local congregations to be one of those outside sources of help. Check them out... and the Wall Dogs too.

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