Monday, October 25, 2010

Travel Time

When I get back to the 1st Century and talk to Paul about how I was preaching on Sunday morning in Milwaukee, WI and visiting with Pastors and Principals on Monday morning in Pittsburgh, PA, the very next day - he'll freak out!. That is almost the distance of Paul's whole first missionary journey... in one day.

Even with the limitations of his travel (at least from a 21st Century perspective) Paul was used in mighty ways by God. I like what he said once about doing things by God's power, not his own. God can use quick travel in a car and slow travel by walking. He can use the gifts you have to get his work done... remember those gifts came from him in the first place.

And even if they don't travel far in actual miles, the College Prep Center at St Marcus in Milwaukee will help kids go far in life. Another great Wheat Ridge project.

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