Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

I decided I needed to get my picture up. Here it is... this is as good as it gets: hand drawn - that's what I'm used to. It is all we have back in the 1st Century.

I am still getting used to all the pictures you have access too. They are everywhere... even on your telephones (which, by the way, do actually make phone calls - although that is not what most people use them for).

Pictures of family, of vacations, of your favorite celebrity, of your children, of your spouse. I've seen pictures of the heavens through the Hubble telescope. Can you remember anything without them? Although, I understand the brain leans heavily to the eyes: processing speed... 60,000 for the eyes to 1 for the ears. No wonder so many pictures around us!

Even the book that bears my name is weighted heavily to "seeing". We can "see what has come to pass". May God grant that you see Jesus as Savior.

All of Wheat Ridge Ministries' projects are about seeing things in a new way - a health and wellness way... Check out the current projects, or perhaps the long list of past projects to see if one is in your area.

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