Monday, October 25, 2010

Travel Time

When I get back to the 1st Century and talk to Paul about how I was preaching on Sunday morning in Milwaukee, WI and visiting with Pastors and Principals on Monday morning in Pittsburgh, PA, the very next day - he'll freak out!. That is almost the distance of Paul's whole first missionary journey... in one day.

Even with the limitations of his travel (at least from a 21st Century perspective) Paul was used in mighty ways by God. I like what he said once about doing things by God's power, not his own. God can use quick travel in a car and slow travel by walking. He can use the gifts you have to get his work done... remember those gifts came from him in the first place.

And even if they don't travel far in actual miles, the College Prep Center at St Marcus in Milwaukee will help kids go far in life. Another great Wheat Ridge project.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Whole lot going on

I'm amazed!
Wheat Ridge has a ton more resources available than most people realize. Here are just a few:
1. Grants to congregations and non-profits for new initiatives in health and wellness.
2. A Ministry Resource Center that has things like: a congregational self-study tool for a snap shot of how you are doing right now; a guide to help plan a congregational health fair; resources for serving returning veterans;
3. A Ministry Sabbatical Grant program.
4. Health Notes - monthly, focused on specific topics, great for newsletters etc.
5. An experienced and dedicated staff who are well connected and ready to serve.
6. Great events.
7. Excellent resources for planned giving.
and much more. Check them out.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wall Dogs and Community Pride

Back in the 1st Century I traveled all over the Mediterranean world with Paul, visiting many cities and preaching about Jesus. You could always tell where they had pride in their communities and where they did not. Still true today. I've spent some time with some friends from Plymouth, WI. They go to St John Lutheran Church and School - a Spirit filled place with a cool retreat center opportunity.

And the community obviously has pride in their town... the Cheese Capital of the world. It was home to the Cheese Exchange (you've heard of the Stock Exchange) and much more. This June they will host the Wall Dogs who will add 20+ murals to the sides of some of their buildings. The murals will depict much of the local history. Great idea. It took people with an idea and some energy who asked for help from inside and outside their community. Much can get done that way.

Wheat Ridge Ministries loves that kind of thinking: "What needs to be done around here that isn't being done yet?". When it is in the area of Health and Wellness, Wheat Ridge will partner with local congregations to be one of those outside sources of help. Check them out... and the Wall Dogs too.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

I decided I needed to get my picture up. Here it is... this is as good as it gets: hand drawn - that's what I'm used to. It is all we have back in the 1st Century.

I am still getting used to all the pictures you have access too. They are everywhere... even on your telephones (which, by the way, do actually make phone calls - although that is not what most people use them for).

Pictures of family, of vacations, of your favorite celebrity, of your children, of your spouse. I've seen pictures of the heavens through the Hubble telescope. Can you remember anything without them? Although, I understand the brain leans heavily to the eyes: processing speed... 60,000 for the eyes to 1 for the ears. No wonder so many pictures around us!

Even the book that bears my name is weighted heavily to "seeing". We can "see what has come to pass". May God grant that you see Jesus as Savior.

All of Wheat Ridge Ministries' projects are about seeing things in a new way - a health and wellness way... Check out the current projects, or perhaps the long list of past projects to see if one is in your area.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

How's the Weather?

I'm surprised that, with all the advancements in technology here in the 21st Century, people are still very much affected by the weather... and even with all the advancements in technology, it is still almost as hard to predict the weather now as it was in the 1st Century.

Severe drought in Indiana and floods in the East Coast with 24" of rain. One extreme or the other affects people, and hurts people in both places.

Perhaps no business is more affected by the weather than the farmer - 1st Century or 21st Century. Wheat Ridge has been involved with a project that helps farmers with the most basic need: seeds. It doesn't matter what the weather is like if you have no seeds to plant.