Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Inside people's hearts

I came across this video about seeing what other people are experiencing - seeing life from their perspective.  Very interesting and moving.  Reminds me a bit of the scene in the Bruce Almighty movie I saw with all the voices he hears in his head that are the prayers of the people.

A very daunting task - really seeing what others are experiencing. Overwhelming to be sure.  Good news is we don't have to be God - God is God and we are not.  God deals with everyone - we just need to do our best with the people around us in our sphere of influence. In this global economy that sphere of influence may include people far away from us - but the decisions are carried out locally as we use our gifts and talents on God's behalf.

Empathy to action... led by the Spirit; Christ at work in us - Colossians 1:28-29.

That's what the Wheat Ridge grants support in many congregations around this country and the world.  People see a need and respond.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

There's an app for that...

 David Ellingson and Mark Jackson, both from Trinity College in Everett, WA, have developed an excellent experiential learning process called SALLT - and now an app to go along with it. 

You learn best by experience.  But you learn best of all when you are intentional about the learning experience.  This process and the app are useful for all kinds of situations of experiential learning.  Check it out!

Wheat Ridge is involved with Dave and Trinity College in a project called "Rooftop Garden". Very cool.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Community Garden project...

The good people of Prince of Peace Lutheran in Portland, OR are on the first year of their community garden project.  Parish Nurse, Karina Wehrspann, initiated the idea and applied for and received a Congregational Health Ministry grant from Wheat Ridge to help make it happen.  They have 22 single layer 4X8 garden plots and 3 handicapped (raised) 4X8 plots available for use by the community.  It was a welcomed addition to the neighborhood for the folks living right across the fence in a condo unit - with no room for growing anything.
Goals for the project:
- outreach project so the church property would be a place for the community to gather;
- a place to grow produce / healthy food;
- 10% of produce of each plot (plus all the produce from unclaimed plots) goes to Care to Share Food Boxes program for Washington County.

Garden plots are well on their way.  15 plots are claimed by individuals (half from the congregation and half from the community) and the other plots will be planted by volunteers so all of that produce can be shared with the community.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Banana keyboard...

This is what blows the mind of a 1st Century Doctor.  I can hardly believe what your scientists and many creative minds are able to come up with.

A tiny glimpse into the Creator's mind to see all these people come up with cool spin-offs... "Let there be..."

Monday, May 6, 2013

International Connections...

I spent the morning yesterday with the good people at Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit in San Francisco.  Well named - certainly Christ's Spirit is at work in the people of that place.  I was priviledged to deliver the message that day. First worship service was to a very young crowd of English speakers (more than 80 of them would be leaders for the coming Summer Day Camp program at the church).  Second service was to a packed house and the worship was completely in  Cantonese.  I needed an interpreter (both directions) but it was a great experience.

This Church had received a Burst Project grant from Wheat Ridge for a Special Needs ministry.  I spoke on a theme of "God Muliplies" and walked them through my sermon outline online (they followed on their smartphones and video screens) and then we did a quick mini tour of Wheat Ridge Ministries as well.

This church isn't the only international Wheat Ridge project connection.  They also have a project in Hong Kong as well, and have had many others over the years.