Monday, November 15, 2010

I used to live in that world.

Peter Steinke describes a 'new' world in an article from the Alban Institute: "There Once Was a World". That world is much more like the 1st Century world I left. In fact, I find it hard to understand the world that many folks are trying so hard to hang on to.

Back in the day, there was no support for the Christian 'church'. Paul preached in a world where following Jesus was likely to get you beaten up or even killed. That is still how it is in many parts of the world - and the church is growing quite rapidly in many of those places in spite of that.

Time to get used to it. And to learn from the past and from our brothers and sisters who have been living in that world for a long time. Jesus talked about this too just before he was killed. Good to remember that his power is bigger than anything we will face, and there are many saints who can bear witness to that.

1 comment:

  1. We follow a crucified (and risen, hallelujah!) Lord. The shadow of the cross falls across the path ahead of us. The end of that path disappears into the blaze of Christ's glory.
