Thursday, October 31, 2013

Screen time... Help!!

I just received an email from Dr David Walsh at Mind Positive Parenting and he has posted about what Pediatricians are saying these days about screen time for kids.

Very helpful info.  And while the info is helpful, putting it into practice is not so easy.  The stats indicate most families are way past the suggested limits.

First step - do parents know about the suggested limits? And this info comes from people who know something about the affects of media on kid's brains.

Second step - most parents need help to 'move the needle' in a healthy direction.  If 'everyone is doing it' making a change is much harder. 

So perhaps the church can step up to 1) educate and 2) encourage... provide the info and provide a way for parents to help each other take healthy steps in media use. Get creative and if financial help is needed, check out Wheat Ridge grants as an option. And see what others are up to with their grants as well.

The article above give good reasons for making strong efforts on this.  There are some definite negatives that happen with overuse - AND some great things that happen with appropriate use.

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