Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Conversation...

More from Alban Institute, this time from Jim Wind, President.  It is a column about 'conversations we fail to have' from their Congregations magazine.

Dying is often different today than it was 2000 years ago... Still final, still hard to face - but today there is often so much medical intervention just prior to death that the end (that is, the last few weeks, or days or hours) is often not what people want because it robs them of the chance for closure.  Medical machinery can sustain 'life' for a long time, but is the extension worth it?  Jim contends that the church can help people have 'the conversation' about these things.

And there are certainly more people facing those end times at an older age when, without some advanced preparation and planning, medical intervention is more likely.

Wheat Ridge is supporting a wide variety of projects focused on older adults (search for 'older adults' under the 'Topical Areas' tab).

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