Tuesday, April 24, 2012

From One End to the Other...with some hard storms in between

It certainly didn't take me a month to get here but I've crossed the whole country since my last post - in fact, it took just a few days this past week. NYC last month - Portland, OR this month... and we've been through some wild storms on the way across. I have never been in that much hard rain for that long, ever! I was thankful to be in a car - and thankful not to be in one of the many tornadoes. Your technology continues to amaze me - such an amazing job of tracking and warning about these major storms, and working hard to improve on that.

The technology in all areas is hard to fathom. A health care system that can do incredible things - and yet still so many not cared for. And still so many homeless even in such a wealthy country.

Wheat Ridge is glad to support some very creative projects that address both of these urgent problems:
The Oasis: Homeless Care Center. Florida is 'home' to one third of this country's homeless families. The Oasis is a place of caring, hope and encouragement.
Granville Community Health Center and Polk Community Free Clinic are the result of two congregations doing what they can to bring health care to those who have none.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Lively in Brooklyn

I was blessed to join the good people at Epiphany Lutheran Church in Brooklyn, NY. Church and School together serve the neighborhood. I shared a message in worship, along with Pastor Bob Gahagan. The morning was a very worshipful mix of singing, scripture, music from third grade children (who were engaged in the worship the whole time - it was a long worship but everyone was engaged and there were lots of families with young kids... very nice to see), Holy Communion, prayer and liturgy. I had a chance to teach about health and wellness and current brain research in the Bible Class before worship.

Spirit-filled people in the heart of the big city definitely touching lives in the name of Jesus. Turns out the Pastor's son, Pat Gahagan is Pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Detroit, MI - a Wheat Ridge grant recipient.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

St Paul, Weston, FL

Had a great morning yesterday at St Paul Lutheran in Weston, FL. Delivered the message and led the Bible Class time with adults. Very warm reception from the members and a great lunch with Pastor Tim and his wife Laurie who serves as Pre-School director. Laurie is a cancer survivor and recently ended up with sky high cholesterol numbers. She is attacking it with major lifestyle changes one of which includes a standing desk. I'm cheering her on and hoping for much lower numbers on the next visit to the Doc!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Gardens in the City

Also finding many congregations who are finding ways to do a gardening experience. Many of those are right in the heart of the city. Three such places are:
1. St Paul Lutheran School, New Orleans - they send their third graders a block down the street to the community garden to get their hands dirty and their brains full of experience with the earth. Thanks to Pastor Kevin Kieschnick and Principal Chuck Schiller for a great visit.
2. Bethlehem Lutheran, New Orleans - they have two different locations for a garden around the edges of their parking lot. And that space produces many pounds of food. They made a nice 'green' space in a narrow walkway behind the church - a very nice oasis in the city. Thanks to Pastor Patrick Keen for a great tour and a friendly visit.
3. Lamb of God Lutheran, Flower Mound, TX - They have a "Garden of Eat'n" and produce many pounds of produce for the local Food Bank each year. Thanks to Pastor Phil Cook for introducing me.

Way to go! These keep people connected close to nature so they can make good stewardship decisions when caring for God's creation. And they produce some excellent, healthy food for those in need.

Wheat Ridge has one of their many projects at Trinity College in Everett, WA - a very creative rooftop garden. Thanks to Dave Ellingson for the tour.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I visited a couple congregations recently and one a while back that take 'stewardship of the body' seriously. Trinity Lutheran in Spring (Klein), TX and Salem Lutheran in Tomball, TX both have an exercise room for member's use so they can get/stay healthy. Salem Lutheran is doing creative things to add to that exercise ministry as well.

And Christ Memorial in St Louis, MO is involved with Wheat Ridge in a project called R.E.H.A.B - Rehab, Energy, Health and Blessing. It is a ministry that is changing lives in the name of Jesus.

"...heart, soul, mind and strength..." It all comes from God and he wants it all back - in good shape for service. We are the tools in his tool box to bring the message of Jesus to the world. He changes our hearts through forgiveness. He's given us an incredible body that can do amazing things - when we care for it well. It is not rocket science - but it does need to be intentional. How are you doing caring for your body? Small steps are great - and so are the benefits!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Time flies

I understand that phrase more and more these days as I try to keep up with the electronic world you have built here in the 21st Century. One month since my last post. Back in the day it took that long to get a letter from Jerusalem to Rome. I know young people who have posted thousands of facebook updates and tweets in that time... and who knows how many text messages!

No posts, but I have been busy:
I lead a chapel and delivered the message at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church and School in Anaheim, CA.
I delivered the message at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Sacramento, CA.
I delivered the message at Zion Lutheran Church, also in Anaheim, CA
I visited with lots of visionary leaders in Grass Valley, CA area, Los Angeles metro and Phoenix metro and am getting ready to move on to Houston, TX. (Still amazed at the speed of movement now - and I'm adjusting to not having the long travel time to think and process and watch and learn; not sure I like the trade off!)