Friday, January 28, 2011

Murphys, San Francisco and Salinas

I just completed a wonderful trip to some beautiful country. First, in the foothills east of San Francisco, at Murphys CA to visit one of the current Wheat Ridge Projects - a Senior Center in Murphys. Thanks to Steve, Vivian and Bob for great hospitality and the tour. They help lead some creative ministry with older adults in the area.

I then had a chance to meet with local Pastors in San Francisco, visit another project focused on the homeless in San Francisco and preach at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Salinas, CA on a wet and rainy morning. Some Spirit-filled people in all these places. A pleasure to spend time with them all. Always enjoy spending time with fellow Christians - anywhere that happens. A common bond that unites us as brothers and sisters of Christ. And thanks to Dave and Jane Kretzmann for the warm hospitality.

I love to see the creative ministries that Wheat Ridge supports all over the world.

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