Friday, January 28, 2011

Murphys, San Francisco and Salinas

I just completed a wonderful trip to some beautiful country. First, in the foothills east of San Francisco, at Murphys CA to visit one of the current Wheat Ridge Projects - a Senior Center in Murphys. Thanks to Steve, Vivian and Bob for great hospitality and the tour. They help lead some creative ministry with older adults in the area.

I then had a chance to meet with local Pastors in San Francisco, visit another project focused on the homeless in San Francisco and preach at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Salinas, CA on a wet and rainy morning. Some Spirit-filled people in all these places. A pleasure to spend time with them all. Always enjoy spending time with fellow Christians - anywhere that happens. A common bond that unites us as brothers and sisters of Christ. And thanks to Dave and Jane Kretzmann for the warm hospitality.

I love to see the creative ministries that Wheat Ridge supports all over the world.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fuels for our Cars and Bodies

It is interesting to watch. I'm getting a handle on the whole 'car' thing. Pretty amazing how many of them there are in this country. And interesting to watch how they get cared for in comparison to the care for the driver... for the people.

There are two clear choices for fuel: Gas or Diesel. No one puts the wrong kind of fuel in their vehicle, even if it is much less expensive. You know it just won't work.

There are of course many more options for food. It is not just about more expensive vs less expensive, but clearly, some of the things people eat are not good for them. The feedback is not as fast as diesel fuel in a car that needs unleaded gasoline, which makes the engine quickly stop and lots of damage is done. Our bodies are quite a bit more forgiving - they don't just immediately stop working with bad fuel... but damage is done none-the-less.

From another perspective with cars, I came across an interesting Tweet: "What would car insurance cost -- if you never changed the oil & every time the engine breaks down, your insurance covers the repair?"

God clearly has given his followers an important task to do - tell the world the Good news of Jesus. The way we take care of our bodies - or not - makes a big difference in our readiness to carry out that task.

Wheat Ridge helps congregations that want to help people do just that - take care of the bodies we've been given. Christ Memorial Lutheran in St Louis is a great example of a congregation helping people to be healthy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Faith Lutheran, Eustis, FL

I had a chance to share the message of Jesus this past Sunday at Faith Lutheran Church and School in Eustis, FL. Thanks for great hospitality from Pastor Kappel, and the members and for great hosting from Alice Marie and Paul Olsen.

Fun to be with God's people there. A friendly place where they are serious about serving with joy! And thanks for the generous support of Wheat Ridge Ministries.

And congratulations to Pastor Eric and Kara Lynn Eichinger on the birth of their second child!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wheat Ridge Weekly Devotions

Check out the Weekly Online Devotion from Wheat Ridge. I wrote it this week but writing duties are shared by many people. You can sign up to receive it regularly by email too.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Holy Trinity, Lutz FL

Had a chance to bring the message and worship with the good folks from Holy Trinity Lutheran in Lutz, FL. They are taking seriously God's call to share the good news of Jesus.

And thanks to Ronald for his help during the Children's message about "God Multiplies". He had some great riddles of his own.

God multiplies the generous gifts made to Wheat Ridge Ministries into creative health and wellness ministries all over the world. Check them out!