Saturday, June 21, 2014

Competing or Complementary Concepts?

I travel mostly in the Lutheran world - churches and schools, and the leaders from both - and I see many of them working hard at engaging their communities, some with the help of Wheat Ridge Ministries. In the case of schools, one of the areas that many schools work hard at is being current with technology. Not an easy task with the speed of changes, the impact that has on budgets and staff learning curves etc.  This recent Facebook post is an example of the conversations that are going on around tech in schools. (Churches have a similar challenge as well.)

In my time here in the 21st Century it has become obvious to me that tech is not going away.  Churches and Church Schools need to learn how to get good at it - and be on the front end of the curve instead of always playing catch-up.

Lutherans aren't alone in facing this challenge: how to use/keep up with technology in education. I'm wondering if, in the midst of dealing with that challenge, churches and schools aren't missing a very important concept that provides just as strong a connection to the community, and in the case of schools, just as big an academic boost to the people involved - that is health, and specifically exercise and what we eat and how well we rest.  I also came across this post (and there are dozens more like it) that highlights the huge gains we get from simple exercise.  And there is strong research that links exercise to academic gains.

We are living more and more in an electronic world... but we are still humans with a body that was designed to move. It should be possible to address both of those needs for the best possible results.