Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Community Involvement...

I get into lots of churches and I see a wide variety of ways that churches (translate that: the leaders of the churches) get involved in the community.

This was one of the more creative and intentional that I've come across. Pastor Dave Koppel is Sr Pastor at Palm Valley Lutheran in Round Rock, TX. I was there recently sharing a message on the Beatitudes out of the Gospel of Matthew.  Dave shared that he had recently participated in Leadership Round Rock. It is a year long, intensive leadership development opportunity that the Chamber of Commerce provides for city leaders.

Here are the goals of Leadership Round Rock:
History:  Provide an understanding of the history of the Round Rock area.

Infrastructure:  Expose students to key business, governmental, educational, and community institutions.

Issues:  Explore important challenges and issues to be addressed by our community.

Involvement:  Promote the importance of civic involvement and identify ways to contribute to the community.

Support:  Support the goals of the Round Rock Chamber of Commerce. Sustain the involvement of Leadership Round Rock graduates in improving this program and in connecting with our community.

And it cost $1000 to participate.  Now that's a sign you are investing in your community!  Relationships are built and connections are made.

Perhaps there is something like that in your area. It would be a great way to listen to the needs of the community and may lead to new opportunities for ministry like these.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Exercise - you don't need to be an athlete!

Well, while much of the country has been digging out and/or staying warm,  I've been traveling in the southwest... and getting farther and farther behind on my posting here!

Came across this post on exercise recently - quite a strong endorsement of the things I share in my workshops. It is very difficult to give God our best, especially if there is much sitting involved, if there is not some movement as part of our regular routine. Our brains are designed to be in a body that moves.

Some congregations have gotten pretty serious about doing something to make a difference - helping people be better stewards of the gift of our bodies and brains. One such project got some help from Wheat Ridge for what they call R.E.H.A.B. and it is making a big difference in people's lives. I recently visited with Pastor Greg from Christ Memorial in St Louis and he says it is a very lively and active ministry that engages many people in the community.  Wheat Ridge supports many other projects that do similar things.

Has your church got any ideas simmering in the area of health and human care? Need some help? Consider a Wheat Ridge grant. And check out there new crowd funding site - WeRaise!  And if health and human care ministry resonates with you, Wheat Ridge needs your help - most of what they give away in grants comes from donations.