Monday, June 24, 2013

Stability and Creativity - you need them both

I came across an interesting article from a helpful organization - Alban Institute.  The article is titled: "The Pastor and the Healthy Church".  What I found most interesting was the tension between the need for stability in a congregation - 'we've been here before and we can handle this situation' - that needs to be balanced with creativity - 'a willingness to risk failure in order to move forward'.

Those two can seem to be at cross purposes but both are necessary. Stability allows for creativity and creativity keeps the stable from becoming stagnant.

Wheat Ridge Ministries works with congregations who are stable risk-takers!  Check out some of the grants we've given to see the creative work happening around the country and the world. And then check out the grants that might help you fund the new venture your congregation is thinking about.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sloppy Kisses!

I love this devotion from Wheat Ridge Ministries - dogs haven't changed much in 2000+ years.  Great story and great message about the faith.

Wheat Ridge has supported a project involving dogs in the past - and you may have seen them in the news recently.

Check out other info about grants from Wheat Ridge.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Different every time...

I came across this video from OK GO - a testament to creativity.  Each video this band does is different than their last one and different from everything else out there. 

Current technology provides them a wide variety of possibilities for expression.  Not so many back in the 1st Century. That is one of the many things I'm enjoying here.