Tuesday, April 24, 2012

From One End to the Other...with some hard storms in between

It certainly didn't take me a month to get here but I've crossed the whole country since my last post - in fact, it took just a few days this past week. NYC last month - Portland, OR this month... and we've been through some wild storms on the way across. I have never been in that much hard rain for that long, ever! I was thankful to be in a car - and thankful not to be in one of the many tornadoes. Your technology continues to amaze me - such an amazing job of tracking and warning about these major storms, and working hard to improve on that.

The technology in all areas is hard to fathom. A health care system that can do incredible things - and yet still so many not cared for. And still so many homeless even in such a wealthy country.

Wheat Ridge is glad to support some very creative projects that address both of these urgent problems:
The Oasis: Homeless Care Center. Florida is 'home' to one third of this country's homeless families. The Oasis is a place of caring, hope and encouragement.
Granville Community Health Center and Polk Community Free Clinic are the result of two congregations doing what they can to bring health care to those who have none.