Monday, July 18, 2011

St Peter's Lutheran, Warren, MI

From St Paul's to St Peter's - from Orange, CA to Warren, MI. I had a great morning with the good folks from St Peter's in Warren, MI. And wonderful hospitality from Pastor Gies and his wife Kathy - thanks! I shared a message in worship and there was lively discussion in a 'workshop' after worship in Martin Luther Hall.

I'm looking forward to a return trip for more discussion on how St Peter's can partner with Wheat Ridge Ministry around health and wellness.

Monday, July 11, 2011

St Paul's, Orange, CA

I had the privilege of delivering the message this past weekend at St Paul's Lutheran in Orange, CA. Great bunch of people growing in their response to care for those around them in the name of Jesus.

Thanks Pastor Martin for some great hospitality!

And also met some Spirit-filled educators at the National Children's Ministry Conference at St John Lutheran in Orange, CA. Wonderful host site, excellent speakers, warm fellowship.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wheat Ridge Projects

I visited two churches recently that are project sites for Wheat Ridge grants...

St Paul Lutheran in Los Angeles is working hard to break the cycle of violence in families.

Christ Lutheran in Costa Mesa is taking seriously stewardship of the body, helping their members make good health and wellness choices so that they can give God their best. They are calling it "Fit for Life, Fit for Him".

What is your congregation excited about initiating to help make a difference in the lives of people for whole person health in the name of Jesus? Wheat Ridge would love to help.