Monday, June 27, 2011

Church Health Center, Memphis, TN

Here is a great story of the Church rolling up its sleeves. The Church Health Center is doing some great things. Check them out. A wide variety of things happening in the name of Jesus for people who need help - and health and wellness.

Wheat Ridge helped them out with a grant to help with an educational emphasis.

I'm looking forward to a first-hand visit there sometime!

Our Savior's Lutheran, Springfield, IL

Spent the past Sunday morning with the good folks at Our Savior's Lutheran Church and School in Springfield, IL. Thanks to Matt Winkelmann for setting things up - we led the Children's message and then the Bible Class hour.

Looking forward to a return trip sometime. Thanks for the great hospitality!

LWML sets mission goals

You gotta love those Lutheran women. They set a goal of more than $1.8 Million dollars for the next two years to go to a wide variety of mission projects (these are from the last two years).

Great convention. Wonderful Gospel focus. Lots of congregations are blessed to have these women serving locally!

Maybe Wheat Ridge will be on the list of projects from 2013 Convention in Pittsburgh...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

LWML in Peoria, IL


Dr Luke will be talking with lots of the women of the LWML at their International Convention in Peoria, IL. They do some really creative and energetic mission work - and talk about 'organized' - they are the definition in the dictionary.

Exciting possibilities for partnership between Wheat Ridge and LWML...